If you can dream it…



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We thought we would introduce ourselves and give you a little more background information!

My name is Ashley! I’m 26 years young and I’m a mom to 2 rescue pups, Belle and Sophie! Yes, my dog is named after Beauty and the Beast…

I have always loved baking and cooking general. Growing up I ALWAYS had a cake or cookies of some sort made and some sweets made for my papaw. Coffee cake and oatmeal raisin cookies are is his favorite.

I’m super funny by the way. And maybe a little blunt. But it all gets the job done. Disney obsessed. FRIENDS obsessed. And I’m a sucker for all remakes of Pride & Prejudice *cough* Hallmarks “Unleashing Mr. Darcy” *cough*

I’m so glad Allie and I took the Wilton Decorating course a little over a  year ago and now starting this at home bakery. I can’t wait to continue this magical venture with my bestie!

Oh yeah, I should also mention that I have a sweet boyfriend who encourages us both to do this and to eventually make it a full time job. He dreams big for us haha. He’s awesome… plus he Disney Bounds with us and never complains 🙂

Thank you everyone that has supported us and to the clients in the future!

Hello everyone! I’m Allie and I want to say I’m 28 years old since I constantly have to ask Ashley my age. I don’t care about it so why keep up. The love of my life is my sweet 2 year old sassy little Alexa and everyday I battle with wanting her to stay little and loving her growing up and developing that sweet and sour personality. Alexa always wants to “help” Aunt Ash and me so usually we hand her some icing, fondant, or cookie dough and let her play off to the side while we get down to business (to defeat the Huns.. I mean bake/decorate).

Let’s put it out there that I enjoy eating sweets and always have always will but I barely cooked or baked anything growing up. As baking friendly as I got was at Christmastime when my sister and I would bake sugar cookies with my Grammy. She would bake and I just put on the red and green sprinkles. 

I am Disney obsessed as well and at the time of this post I’ve been 40+ times! I know that’s crazy. Heck Alexa is 2 y/o and she’s been 3 times with a 4th trip planned shortly! I love reading and yes love Pride & Prejudice and all its revisions as well whether on TV or in book format.. what Pride Prejudice and Zombies you say!

After Ashley and I took the Wilton decorating courses we really wanted to get things started as an at home on occasion bakery but we’ve been so blessed that people have enjoyed our work and that we have a customer base which is so nifty. Maybe Sean is right and one day we’ll have a storefront.. ahh a girl can dream!

Special thanks goes to my family for letting us invade their home to bake and to our friends and family who have been just as excited as us to start our next adventure!

In the words of Walter E. Disney: If you can dream it, you can do it! 

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